
Persuasive Memo Examples

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Dear Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton, For some time now I have extensively been working on establishing the most appealing political advertisement for your campaign. My goal is to discuss to you about how we can work together in creating the best and most appealing ad’s to target every single American that is eligible to vote come Election Day. In this advertising memo I will breakdown the possibilities of political advertisements you may be interested in running during this election cycle. Since the establishment of this nation we have seen how candidates running for office have been promoting themselves in many different ways. From partisan printing presses, newspapers, radio, television to now a new form of media which is social media. Most of the public gets bombarded by positive or negative ads depending if they live in battleground states, our campaign wants to make sure that we can run positive ads that may show the targeted audience that you will make a great candidate to become President.” …show more content…

Gordon and Hartmann seek to find which battleground states will conclude the final result of the election, they also seek to find which battleground states did the most spending back in the 2012 election. In the 2012 election nearly $2 billion was spent on television advertising which was the largest amount in an election cycle (Gordon & Hartmann, 2016). The 2016 presidential election is expected to surpass the $2 billion that was spent during the 2012

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