Persuasive Speech On Climate Change

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Nowadays, climate change is the biggest concern for the world issue that each country need to find the solution and take action to address that issue. Because climate change causes health problems, so health care is also a big problem, big concern for everyone as well.

I. Climate change

Climate change pose a serious, immediate and global threat to human health and responsibility for taking action to address this threat rests with every person, every community, every leader and every government around the world. That's because global crisis need global response. Every living being is impacted by warming of our planet and by the increase in carbon pollution in our atmosphere. We also seen a dramatic rise in incidence of allergies, asthma illness …show more content…

In 2013, President Barack Obama announces the climate action plan to reduce the carbon dioxide, no detail target but instruction to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to with states and industry to develop a specific plans, it's a big push to renewable energy boosting projects on public lands in order to produce enough electricity by 2020 to power more than 6 millions homes. President Barack Obama said he would willing to work with anyone to make sure that the United States can deal with climate change in a way to promote jobs and growth.

President Barack Obama's speech on climate action plan, June 25, 2013 In August 2015, the Environmental protection Agency (EPA) and President Obama established the Clean Power Plan to protect to health of children as well as a path toward a 32 percents of Carbon dioxide pollution and this plan will lead 30% more renewable energy by 2030.

The President's Clear Power Plan aim to:

To reduce carbon pollution from power plants
To expand the clear energy economic
To build clear energy infrastructure
To cut energy in home, businesses, and factories
To reduce other greenhouse gas