Should We Be Thankful For Food Essay

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Today, the media seems so eager to throw at us the next shocking threat to consumers –

the deodorant that is causing cancer, the food that is, in fact, terrible for your bone health, or the

ingredient in this brand of cereal that will surely lead to heart problems. Everyone seems to have

an opinion, and the search for the truth seems never-ending. For some people, these latest

dangers and discoveries are nearly irrelevant, either because they are unimportant to the person

or they don’t apply. There is, however, one perpetual need that applies to all of us: the human

need for food. Though some will say we should be thankful for food no matter its quality, there

are plenty of skeptics who reject the assurances that our food is …show more content…

(Hoernlein, Carol.)

In addition to the fact that MSG is contained in so many of the commercial foods we

consume, manufacturers are finding ways to keep us from knowing it. In an effort to mask the

inclusion of MSG or ingredients that lead to the production of it during processing, food

companies are referring to MSG as “textured soy protein concentrate, carrageenan, maltodextrin,

disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, [and] modified cornstarch” (Goldschmidt, Vivian). This

is yet more evidence that food manufacturers and the FDA seem to have something to hide.

Though the FDA regards the consumption of MSG as “generally recognized as safe” (“Questions

and Answers…”), there are growing evidence and study results to suggest otherwise.

To conclude, many of the ingredients and additives discussed in this paper are