Persuasive Speech: Why The Death Penalty Must End

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Why death penalty must end ‘’An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,’’ said Mahatma Gandhi. The execution of someone who has possibly done a crime is an inhuman act. Death penalty is hypocritical and flawed. If killing is wrong, why do we kill when a criminal has done the crime of killing someone? In this essay, I will write why death penalty should end by writing about the violation of human rights, execution of innocent people, the fact that it does not deter crime and money. First, I will write about the violation of the human rights. Death penalty is a violation on the most basic human right. It violates that every human being has the right to freedom and life, article 3 in the united nation declaration of the human rights. Humanity …show more content…

There is a very short explanation to why the big numbers plays part in this. Death penalty is flawed in many ways. Together with all the required appeals to execute someone actually costs more than a lifetime in prison. Think about how much money the government would save if they stopped executing people. Let us take Texas as an example. Each death penalty case in Texas costs taxpayers about $2.3 million. That is approximately three times the cost of imprisoning somebody in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years. That is crazy! The government could actually do something good rather than something flawed and hypocritical. Taxpayers complain about paying taxes. They should rather complain about what they pay taxes for. The money should be spent on good charities instead of sadistic killers. Although they are sadistic psychos, they are still human beings and we should all treat each other as we …show more content…

I will now introduce the fading of humanity. People suggest and would like that death penalty should still exist. They think about safety. They think about how they will feel safe if a murder is executed. They do not think that they vote for violation of the human rights. They do not think that they vote for a fellow human being to be killed. Death penalty and the egoistic mindset humans have is proof that humanity is starting to fade. It needs to be pointed out that the public support of death penalty has a huge effect on either it will stay or not. In conclusion, I would like to add that we are all humans and we should be treated that way. Death penalty is like the ‘’tooth for a tooth – eye for an eye’’ theory. Instead of acting inhuman to our fellow beings we should find a better way to solve the mind of criminals. Making the problem vanish is not a good idea. We should do psychological researching instead! I, myself have a lot of faith in humanity. Even though some people may be sadistic by nature, they do have a heart. In that heart there may be a few strays of light left. We should save criminals instead of vanishing them from the face of the