Persuasive Syrian Refugees Essay

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I have heard about your recent announcement to take in 5,000 Syrian refugees into our capital city area. As a resident of this area, I believe you are making a mistake. Our community can not support this many more people and still live the comfortable lives we do today. Looking back on the past, places that have accepted refugees have for the most part had negative effects from it. I do not see this situation being too different. I respectfully request that you take a closer look at your decision and re-examine if that is truly the best choice for our community. The capital area should not accept 5,000 refugees because our community is not fit to support them.
Bringing in these migrants would cause some problems. They would need housing, food, and other necessities. This would be the responsibility of our community to provide this because we opened up our arms to them. These costs would be through the roof as providing anything for 5,000 people would be. Our community would become like some countries in Europe who have to set up camps just to hold the refugees. There are only so many places to live in our community, so once that limit is reached, living conditions will suffer. The migrants would cause overcrowding issues and with …show more content…

The unemployment rate of Maine is 4.7%. If we take in more people, obviously that number will increase. During the United States’ recession in 2009, the unemployment rate peaked at 10%. By increasing our population by 5,000 and Maine’s by 65,000, there will be a scarcity for jobs. This could lead to another economic struggle for our area. For all the unemployed Syrians, they will be carried along by the rest of Maine. More of hard-working Maine taxpayer money will have to go to support the Syrian’s housing and basic needs. The Maine government will also have to pay for the Syrians to take an english course. This will, like the others, comes out of the pockets of our