Pesticide Persuasive Essay

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Different species of plants and animals provide us with food, medicines, construction materials, and clothing, according to the OPP(Office of Pesticides Programs). This is why America needs a lot of the plants and animals, but at the same time, many farmers are using pesticides that are preventing the environment and humans from live longer. This needs to be stopped and needs to be stopped soon, if the human race would like to keep living. The agricultural community needs to stop using pesticides. The environment is being harmed due to pesticide use in America. Farmers need to stop using pesticides because it is a very dangerous substance. According the EPA, about 900 different species are being harmed due to pesticide use on American farms. The water being affected in many different ways. The pesticides pollute the water, this can make the animals/plants that live in the water …show more content…

Farmers need to stop using pesticides because it can have a big financial, and physical impact on humans around America. For instance, let's say a child is playing outside in his/her backyard. This child's backyard just happens to be backed up to a cornfield. Later in life this “child's” he/she may experience numerous illnesses such as cancer or long term influenza, or this child might have immediate illnesses like a headache or nausea. The PAN (Pesticide Action Network) has discovered that certain pesticides have immediate or chronic effects on people that many consume or just breath in pesticides. One pesticide that may have some immediate effects is Batrachotoxin, and a pesticide that may have some chronic effects is Digoxin. Some effects these pesticides may have on people are headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and systemic poisoning. Many people experience illnesses due to