Peter Singer Famine And Morality

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Within the essay “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”, Peter Singer offers a new way of seeing the relationship among this three elements, which is extremely different from the traditional understanding of charity, famine relief, morality, etc. It seems that Peter Singer put our position much closer and more related to the situation when facing problems such as famine and poverty and he redraw the distinction between duty and charity which takes more charity as duty. In order to illustrate his principle, he brings out the the famine in 1971 as an hypothetical position. Overall, he brings a new moral standard which is extremely different from traditional points of view upon the issue of charity and famine relief.
2.Identification …show more content…

During his illustration of his principle, his definition of morality seems to be unstable and ambiguity increases with phrases like “moral difference”, “moral significance”, “moral autonomy”. It is likely that when it comes to significant difference between his principle and traditional values, he tends to use morality to confuse readers and make his statements more mysterious, more highly standardized and in a way, more likely to be trustable because we tend to believe in what we do not fully understand even confusingly. Another ambiguity arises from the exact phrase in the main contention, “same moral significance”, Singer explain it as “not to promote what is good”, it raises another problem that what the distinction between good and bad is and it always remains a debatable