Petey Breakdown Scenarios

155 Words1 Pages
Ironically, Petey was good friends with Johnny. Johnny encouraged Petey to wrestle, and after about a month of asking, Petey decided he would sign up. Petey has a good home life, with one brother and two parents. Petey’s worst nightmare comes true at after his second wrestle match. He learns that he has to fight Chris Byers. Chris is a low weight girl, who is one of the best in the state… Both of them decide not to actually fight, Petey thinks it is wrong to fight a girl and Chris tells him about the pain and hardship she goes through being a girl wrestler and how it is not “lady like”. They make a plan to fake fight kind of like WWE. Petey, (wrestling for Coho High School) costs them the match. At the end, the two become friends. No, they