Tsar I beg of you please sate the people’s needs! If you continue on increasing taxes and revoking food the people of Russia are sure to rebel. The people are starving and our armies are fighting a war we need take care of these issues if they continue on they will surely cause even more problems. If you want to keep the crown Tsar Nicholas II I suggest you either reform the laws that are against the people and pro-government or Split the power to rule with trusted representatives for the people. If not we will have a serious problem in Petrograd . Tsar Nicholas I can tell that the people of Petrograd are becoming furious with the government and you and will most likely rebel against our government. In the streets of Petrograd many of the people are starving. If you look at many of the government buildings and offices the people around them are protesting sometimes violently. The next likely step for the people of Petrograd is to start a full on rebellion! …show more content…
If we are extremely lucky we may be able to stop the rebellion against the government in Petrograd, but many other cities will see Petrograd’s attempt at rebellion and will realize the unfair laws and restrictions you have enforced and they too will rebel causing anarchy all over the country. If the rebellion is not adequately attended to or our troops are not able to stop it then our government in Petrograd will fall most likely causing the people of Petrograd to set up a new government one that may spread the idea that other cities should rebel too. This chain of rebellions will also put a strain on our already in mid war