Pharaoh Curse Research Paper

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The pharaoh's curse is such an interesting thing to research, i had found so many cool things and theories about what caused the ‘curse’.
Recorded scientists who have handled egyptians pharaohs mummified bodies mummy had after shown signs of mental derangement and some other forms of diseases.
General inspector Engelbeck, an egyptologist had explored the tombs had found a curse tablet that stated “The spirit of the dead will wring the neck of a grave robber as if it were that of a goose.”
Engelbeck, still exploring had then found two corpses, one mummified in egypt robes of a pharaoh, and the other a missing grave robber who had shown signs of being killed by a stone that had fallen from the ceiling when he reached out to the the jewelry. this had of course caused suspensions through egypt but it wasn't until later that the ‘curse’ had been made. …show more content…

Once H. carter found the corpse he removed an amulet from the corpse and it then had been intrusted to a college science lab to perform an autopsy. Once it had gotten to the lab two students and a professor handling the corpse had died moments later, student from uncircumcised heart attacks and the professor died of circulatory collapse. At this period of time people still considered this a coincidence, but no for too long after.
Howard carter after hours researching the amulet discovered that the amulet was the symbol of doom and the god