Communist Manifesto Research Paper

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The Enlighten period was before the French Revolution (1798). Enlightenment thinkers had optimistic views about individual rights, human perfectibility, and social progress. These thinkers believed people needed social organizations such as government, community, religions, towns, and so on because without these organizations social order would be lost. Philosopher Montesquieu shared that laws, customs, and forms of government weren’t natural, but influenced but the external conditions in surroundings which certain people must live. Marx argued that species-beings are influenced by the ruling class control over the means of production. Communist Manifesto is an example Marx uses to explain that social relation to all modes of production alienates people from their species-being. People are working for the capitalist and lose sight or feel foreign to his or her own labor. The ideology made is, ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. The class ruling material force is also ruling the intellectual force. Which means the wealthy are not physically doing any work but hire the poor to do the labor for them instead. …show more content…

Individuals are freed by science, but the social organizations didn’t change. Some commodities, music for an example, can be downloaded or shared freely among individuals. Those higher in power find ways to stop it by enabling copyright ownership and restrictions. One of the ways was rent. Rent is a type of tribute that is imposed above the price of production. The owner who controls the commodity not only charges a rental fee but get a return on all assets. The collection of monopoly rents is a way to collect surplus profits because prices are determined by the desire and ability of the buyer. In other words, the price of the commodities is determined by the want or demand for it, rather than the exchange value embodied in the