Phillis Wheatley Analysis

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In comparison to Bradstreet’s style was Phillis Wheatley, who wrote with a genuine spirit, straight forward simplicity, and was direct. Wheatley first found her fame with the poem “On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield,” in 1770. Eulogies were very popular at the time and her work found attention in England as well as America. Examples of Wheatley’s sincerity can be found in all of her work, because she wrote from the heart and in a way that all men and women could connect to her work. Entertaining ideas for equality, with a strong straight forward argument, almost 100 years before wars would be fought to end slavery, and being respected as a person and not a slave is the strongest indication of Wheatley’s success. In her poem “Being …show more content…

If this is read from line to line, one will discover that Wheatley is being sincere, making light of her life and situation saying that it was God’s mercy that saved and delivered her. Instantaneously this gains the audience member’s attention, because this is what they believe as well, it is a personal message. She is saying that she has been redeemed, bringing her to a level with her audience, or with white men and they cannot refute this because, it would go against their own beliefs. Wheatley’s action of using Christ, in her writing is such a strong emotional pull on the hearts of all readers of the time period, which they cannot deny her words, other than being nothing but the truth. She identifies her issue of black people being treated as less, because the color of their skin. “Remember, Christians, Negros, Black as Cain,
May be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train.” (Wheatley, Being Brought from a Pagan Land)
Her next line is a rebuke, of the Christian faith saying that black people are like Cain, from Genesis, and that they can be forgive and polished to be people just like they are. In conclusion, Wheatley uses Christianity as an ice breaker to the hearts of her audience, her message is personal and emotional calling on all who hear it to be human like and forgive their “brother Cain”. After winning the appeal of