Philo Farnsworth Biography

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Philo Taylor Farnsworth many people don’t know this name, but that doesn’t mean that the man associated with it is unimportant. Often regarded as the “Father of Television” due to his achievement of making the world’s first television! To fully understand this great man we must see where his life began. Farnsworth was born of humble beginning inside a log cabin in the small town of Beaver, Utah. Philo is the son of Lewis Edwin Farnsworth and Serena Farnsworth, while they were farmers they moved a lot trying to find great land that would make sufficient harvests. Philo T. Farnsworth must have heard the term “Work smarter not harder” because during his teen years he started converting random appliances to electrical energy and even fixed a generator …show more content…

Farnsworth could not have realized what his invention would do to the world. The importance is as clear as a crystal as almost every house in America has at least one television. Television has changed the way we communicated information such as news or simply watching a baseball game from across the country. At one time the New York times even went so far as to say that the television was going to fail because Americans didn’t have time to watch a screen with useless things on it, however they were horribly wrong as Americans made time to binge watch their favorite television shows. None of this would have been if it wasn’t for Farnsworth’s original invention and that is why people call him the father of Television. This is a title he perhaps didn’t want to have as he despised what his creation had become he wanted it to be educational something that furthered people’s understanding, however he simply saw talk show comedians kids shows that didn’t teach them anything. Farnsworth went so far as to not allow it in his house and his children grew up knowing that their father invented television, but they were not allowed to watch it. “There’s nothing on it worthwhile, and we are not going to watch it in this household, and I don’t want it in your intellectual diet.” ( One thing made Philo T. Farnsworth see his invention as worth it, and that was being able to see the first man step onto the moon. Any way you look at it Philo Taylor Farnsworth was

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