Philosophy Of Community Policing

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Community policing is a philosophy and an organizational strategy that promotes a new partnership between people and their police. It is based on the premise that both the police and the community must work together to identify prioritize and solve contemporary problems such as crime , drugs , fear of crime , social and physical disorder and over all neighborhood decay , with the goals of improving the overall quality of life in the area .It required wide department commitment from every civilian . That challenges all personal to find ways to express this new philosophy in their jobs.
The nine P’s community policing
Philosophy – it is a belief that contemporary challenges require the police to provide full-service policing, proactive and reactive …show more content…

It is not a limited effort to try, it is new way of efforting to deliver a police service. It is not a public relation, also improve the community relation by the form of decentralized and personalized service to the community, rather than its basic goal. Community policing is not a anti-technology, it takes the benefit from technology using call management system, computer terminal cellular phone, fax machine and other advance technology. Community policing officers answer calls and make arrest like any other line offices. CP shifts the role of the police from the expert with all the answers to a partner in an effort to create the community a better and safer place in which to live and work .it also not a top – down approach. It shifts more power, authority, responsibility to the level by requiring so that everyone in the department can find the way to express the philosophe in their …show more content…

In personnel part has some section which are recruitment, hiring, selection supervision, evaluations training.
System need systematic way to recruit the agencies, community policies elements. In hiring, description and satisfaction must be chosen and provide the job after satisfaction .Training is most important part in this system. Because most part in community policing is unknown, to be good handling, when you should take action, communication is most important part. So training is necessary.
Problem solving - the process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to develop the effective response. Community policing encourages agencies to proactively develop solutions to the immediate underlying conditions contributing to public safety problems.

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