
Philosophy Of Criminal Justice Essay

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Justice is key

What do you think of when you hear the word Justice? According to the Oxford definition, Justice is when there is “The quality of being fair and reasonable”, but I believe that this is only one of the many definitions of justice. For example criminal Justice is a big part of what keeps our world from going into pure chaos. Along with criminal justice I believe that there is also this thing called personal justice, which mainly comes from your morals . All in all, Justice is not compromising on your beliefs and morals as well as also being fair and reasonable towards others. I believe that being fair and reasonable is to treat people the same without favoritism or discrimination. beliefs and morals are a big part of Justice.

*I believe the purpose of Justice is to make sure people get what they deserve for their actions. For example, When someone commits a crime it is the judge and the jury’s duty to bring the perpetrator of the crime to the final verdict. In the modern world this would be described as part of the criminal justice system. According to Goodwin University,” The criminal justice system was designed to “deliver justice for all” and without it there might be Havoc, violence, theft, and danger all around”( “The Importance of the Criminal Justice …show more content…

personal Justice or doing justice to yourself. What I mean by this is, sticking to your beliefs without compromising. US Legal affirms, ”Personal Justice is when a person has an emotional reaction to their actions as a result of the morals they were taught during their upbringing”(“Personal Justice Law and Legal Definition”). A good example of this is that as children we are taught to “treat others the way we want to be treated”, this sticks with us as we grow older and we are immediately prone to respecting those around us. This is a big part of our morals and personal justice in

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