Photosynthesis Hypothesis

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What is photosynthesis?
The chemical progress of photosynthesis is when a green plant and sometimes other organisms produce O2 (oxygen) by using the light energy from the sun, CO2 (carbon dioxide) and water. The green colour pigment is created by chlorophyll in the plant.

6 CO2 + 6 H2O –> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Carbon dioxide + Water –> Glucose + Oxygen

Research question:
How does the rate of photosynthesis change in Cabomba pond weed when the changing variable is the light intensity?
I predict that the closer the light gets to the cabomba pond weed the faster it produces oxygen. When it gets closer to the light source the photosynthesis reaction takes place faster because of the chlorophyll in the plant taking in more light energy for the reaction and oxygen will therefore be released faster.
The variable of independence to change is the light intensity from the light source to the pond weed (Cabomba) by …show more content…

It also shows that as the distance from the plant increases, that the rate of photosynthesis decreases causing the number of bubbles from the cabomba plant to go down. The closer the light source was to the plant the more oxygen was released from the plant by using a progress called Photosynthesis. The average number of oxygen bubbles created in one minute was 151 where the light source was 20 centimetre away. As my results in my table show the further the light source is away from the cabomba weed the slower it gets to create oxygen. My furthest distance I measured was 40 centimetres and the average bubbles realest was 103 per minute. Therefore you can say that the higher the light intensity gets the more bubbles will be created. On my test lamp I measured that on the shortest distance to the pondweed the light intensity is 20 w/m2 and on the longest distance to the pondweed it is 6 w/m2 where the distance was 40

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