Metabolism Exam Paper

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Alexandra Fowler Due: 10/25/2015 Metabolism Exam Answer the following questions as completely and concisely as possible. Some answers may be a single word, but for more detailed responses, keep you answer to 3 sentences or less. What is the electron donor of an organism growing chemorganotrophically? The electron donor of an organism growing chemorganotrophically is an organic compound such as glucose, acetate, etc. List 3 potential electron donors used by chemolithotrophs? Three potential electron donors used by chemolithotrophs include: H_2, 〖Fe〗^(2+), and 〖NH〗^(4+) What is the terminal electron acceptor in aerobic respiration? The terminal electron acceptor in aerobic respiration is oxygen. What are some potential terminal …show more content…

Since nitrogen is important component in the plant growth, the agriculture community will produce low yields in their crops. Name three carbon fixation pathways Three carbon fixation pathways are: the reductive citric acid cycle, the hydroxypropionate cycle, and the acetyl-CoA pathway. Are all phototrophs autotrophs? No, phototrophs can also be heterotrophs. Ex: purple non-sulfur bacteria. Name three bacterial phyla that include phototrophs. Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, and Proteos. How do some Archaea generate ATP using light? Under what conditions? Can they also make NADH by the same process? Some Archaea generate ATP using light by using a protein called bacteriorhodopsin. Therefore the organism can perform photosynthesis because bacteriorhodopsin can create a proton gradient from light energy to generate ATP. Halobacterium salarium is an organism that is capable of photosynthesis using the protein bacteriorhodopsin when there are low levels of oxygen …show more content…

Oxygenic phototrophs have chlorophyll pigments while anoxygenic phototrophs have bacteriochlorophyll pigments. Bacteriochlorophyll pigments absorb light at longer wavelengths compared to chlorophyll pigments. Bacteriochlorophyll and chlorophyll also have varying side groups on their structures. How do the reaction centers and photosystems differ between cyanobacteria and Chlorobi? Cyanobacteria have photosystems 1& 2 whereas Chlorobi only have photosystem 1. Cyanobacteria are able to absorb light at both short and long wavelengths whereas Chlorobi can only absorb light at long wavelengths. In the reaction center of cyanobacteria, oxygen is produced whereas the reaction center of Chlorobi does not generate oxygen. How do Green Bacteria overcome the low light conditions at which they are often found? Green bacteria have large chlorosomes which are composed of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids. These pigments are responsible for absorbing light at long wavelengths. Therefore, Green bacteria overcome low light conditions by absorbing light at longer wavelengths since longer wavelengths can penetrate further into the deep water. What are