Photosynthesis: The Chemical Equation Of Photosynthesis

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Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and specific types of bacteria in order to make their own food source from sunlight to chemical energy. It is mainly occurred within the leaves of the plant. The reaction requires light energy in order for it to be absorbed by chlorophyll. During the reaction carbon dioxide, water is converted into glucose and oxygen as shown below:

Figure 1 (photosynthesis uses light energy to convert carbon dioxide into a carbohydrate)
(The Chemical Equation of Photosynthesis. 2018, Accessed 16 March 2018)

There are two types of photosynthetic processes; one includes oxygenic photosynthesis, which is most common and demonstrated through plants, algae and cyanobacteria while the other one is an-oxygenic photosynthesis. (From Light Energy to Chemical Energy, Accessed 08 March 2018). Products to are made through photosynthesis as glucose is transported in to the plant as soluble sugars and stored as starch which is insoluble hence it is unable to escape from the cell. Although starch is able to revert back into glucose in order to release energy by respiration both useful for fats and oils for storage through the plant, proteins for growth and repair and cellulose for their cell walls.

Figure 2:
Structure of a leaf (FTEXPLORING, 2014), Accessed 16 March 2018)

Chlorophyll is an essential need to photosynthesis as it is able to trap both blue and red light. It is a complex molecule consisting of three sub types;