
Photosynthesis Is Like A Teacher Essay

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Photosynthesis is Like a Teacher Photosynthesis is a process in which plants convert energy from the sun into stored energy food, that can be used by plants, animals, and humans called glucose. The equation that represents this is 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light > C6H12O6 + 6 O2. The energy conversion that occurs in photosynthesis is the process in which plants and other organisms absorb light energy from the sun and convert it to chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates. This energy is then stored and is called glucose. This is important because not only are many other organisms, animals, or humans able to use/consume this energy. But because this process produces oxygen gas that we need breath. The reactants in photosynthesis are all important …show more content…

If there was no sunlight then the other reactants wouldn't be able to work to form glucose or oxygen. Water is also an important reactant because as it enters the roots and leaves of plants, the hydrogen and oxygen that is present in the water is used in the making of glucose and oxygen gas. Carbon Dioxide gas is a reactant that enters plants through tiny openings in the leaves of plants. Carbon and oxygen atoms are used in the formation of glucose during photosynthesis. Plants absorb the light from the sun by using the reactant chlorophyll. Chlorophyll also is the reason many plants have their green color. The products of photosynthesis are extremely important because they both are used and needed by many animals and humans. Glucose is an important product of photosynthesis, the energy that is converted from the sun into a chemical energy is stored in glucose. Glucose is used to help plants grow,it also can be converted to starch and other compounds. The glucose and starch also provide a great energy source for primary consumers. Oxygen is also a very important product of photosynthesis because it is needed in order for animals and humans to breath. It is also important because as we humans and animals breath in the oxygen, we exhale carbon

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