Physician Assistant Aspirations

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When I was growing up, I always wanted to work in the medical field. Freshman year of high school, I joined Student Athletic Training at my school because it exposed me to medical injuries in high stress situations. Even though I was working with an athletic trainer and loving it, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do; I switched from wanting to be a pediatrician to an oncologist and then an orthopedic surgeon. I settled on becoming an OBGYN because I had just watched my sister give birth to her son. I thought that delivering babies had to be the most important job because I’d be taking care of new life. Junior year of high school, I had decided to become a Physical Therapist. I really wanted to be a part of this profession because I had …show more content…

I had no idea what a physician assistant does even though I have two at my doctor’s office, so I decided to do some research about the profession. The first thing I discovered was that a physician assistant only required a master’s degree and paid very well. This immediately interested me because I do not want to go into a great amount of debt and want to be able pay off what I had quickly. The next appealing thing I discovered about physician assistants is that their hours were very flexible which is essential when raising a family. I come from a very large family and family is a part of who I am. I need to be able to be present in my future children’s lives. Another reason I want to be a physician assistant is that they can switch specialties fairly easily. I have always had an issue with indecisiveness and getting bored easily. This job means I can work in family medicine and then switch to emergency if I feel as though I need a change. The biggest reason I chose this profession is the abundances of 5-year programs for this profession. Everyone discusses the cliché that “college is the best four or five years of your life.” I do not believe this. I feel as though finding a career I love and building a family will be the greatest part of my life; therefore, I want to start my life as soon as I can without as little debt as possible. This program allows me …show more content…

I admire how much knowledge physician assistants obtain throughout their years of schooling since they learn a great amount about many portions of medicine. I always desired to learn as much about science and medicine as I possibly could; therefore, this profession is perfect for me. I also love caring for people and that is what I get to do as a medical professional. My desire to learn and my passion for volunteering and helping others will allow me to be an essential part of the physician assistant profession. I now desire to work in either Infectious Disease, because of the panel, or Orthopedic Surgery, due to my love for working with injuries like breaks, strains, sprains, and tears. I know this program will fully prepare me for any branch I choose to work