Picasso Journal Entries

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The Box Pablo Picasso once said, “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” I shared this quote with you because I will always keep a box filled with things I have painted. My paintings aren’t very artistic and they don’t even look all that great. However, they are meaningful to me because anytime something bad happens to me, I paint. When I look at the things I have painted I see the things that happened to me. I will also keep them because my children may want to see them in the future. If I became a professional artist, museums would want them. Whenever I paint it’s because something happened in my life. Whenever my great grandmother died I painted a picture, with pink and black and white, then painted a breast cancer ribbon in a darker pink on top of it; that painting is in the box. I was extremely hurt when she died, I was in bed for days just lying there so I decided to paint something she would be proud of. The day I was in my wreck I painted what I saw, granted it was mostly red and black smudges, but I still painted to make me feel better. I used painting to help my broken arm regain its function. I painted whenever my best …show more content…

I enjoy reading them and I am happy that she kept them. I believe that my children may want to see what I have painted. They may want to hang it on there wall for decoration. It would be interesting for when their friends come over, they could ask about them and they could tell them how I painted them. I also think that my children may want to keep them for their children for the same reasons. Even if they didn’t want to hang them on the wall, they could keep them in a box like my mom did with her journals. Then whenever they wanted they could just go back and look at them and wonder what was going through my mind when I painted them. Even though my kids may not want them like I hope they do, I could always hold on to them in the event something important