Pico De Gato: The Black Cat Sees His Shadow

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Once upon a time, there was a black cat named Pico de Gato. Pico de Gato was everywhere in the big city of Climax. People thought he was not a at cat, that he was mysteries ghost. Do you wonder why? I will tell you in the next book named The Black Cat Sees His Shadow.

As night began to come, the moon gazed on the midnight, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness. People could not take a power nap because their aspiration will not let them, thinking that the cat will get inside their house a suffocate them with a cushion, and dispatch them.

To conclude, one day a man got up from his cradle, and went outside and he saw Pico de Gato eating a chewbacca, and Pico de Gato saw the man with a bloody face went to him, and told him, if you tell