Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's Stockholm Syndrome

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People seem to have this vague idea that, governments are for the people and that their government’s purpose is to help and protect you. People seem to think that governments are the ones that give you your rights but in truth they are the ones that limit them. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon states “To be governed is to be watched over, inspected, spied on, directed, legislated at, regulated, docketed, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, assessed, censured, ordered about by creatures who have neither the right nor the knowledge nor the virtue” and I agree with him entirely. Mr. Proudhon couldn’t be nearer to the truth. Governments do not have the right to govern you because rights do not exist. They are a legal fiction created by man and the only …show more content…

A syndrome in which you sympathize with your abuser because your mind cannot cope with the fear and therefore you tell yourself that abusing you is ok because it is for the good. Symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome include, positive feelings by the victim to the abuser, negative feelings towards people trying to save them, supports the abuser’s reasons and the inability to engage in behavior that may assist in your release (Carver). Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA is illegally monitoring us and nothing was done (Free). Bush lied regarding Saddam having weapons of mass destruction and a library gets built in his name. We are living in a world like 1984, where the government is deliberately telling its people lies, and are at war for reasons unfounded under the guise that it is to help us and most people believe that (Simone). Thoreau proposes civil disobedience in the form of not paying your taxes, which stops the funding of these heinous acts committed by our government. We are forced to pay FICA so as to have a safety net towards the end of our lives and if you don’t the government will cease your assets. We are forced to pay car insurance from handful of companies or else be penalized. If you do not have health insurance the government will take a cut of all your total earnings. Reason why we do not fight it is because we do not want to get jailed, penalized or taxed. So it would be in our self-interest to please our director and simply play our