Essay Analysis Of Walter J. Ong, And Arendt's Work

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Walter J. Ong, and Hannah Arendt’s are progressive, forward radical thinkers and scholars of their time, as well as ours. These scholars explore, interpret and give insight to what they find to be relevant, not only did their explanation and point of views alter, shape and inspire thoughts and viewpoints in their time but they continue to do this presently. And, their views and perspectives are just as relevant for/to study then and now, especially Hannah Arendt’s work. Their views, though, different are also relatable and along like paths, and in this short essay you will find an analysis on the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Walter J. Ong, and Hannah Arendt’s and how they conceptualize and are applied to the spiritual modes of connectivity and the future of learning. …show more content…

Teilhard discusses The Future of Man with his Formation of the Noosphere explaining how we as humans evolved and our “growth, outside and above the biosphere, of an added planetary layer, an envelope of thinking substance, to which, for sake of convenience and symmetry, I have the name of the Noosphere.” Ong develops his argument of resituating the emerging, evolving and progression of religious human beings stating “humanistic scholarship have shifted, and the relationship of religion to human society has changed.” And, last but certainly not least is Arendt’s findings and revelations on human humanity, by postulating that “that the world is not humane just because it is made of human beings” and developing an argument and the notion that there is a creation of human connectivity in be