
Piglet 9 Lab Report

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Over these 15 consecutive days our criminal justice class has watched the decomposition of 9 still born piglets, which were laid out in a specific way, with specific wounds. Piglet 10 was put into a box at the beginning of the experiment, and was not revealed until the end of it. Each piglet was in its own condition. Piglet 0 was naked in a box, Piglet 1 was naked on the grass, piglet 2 had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burn all over its body, it too was laying on the grass, piglet 3 was stabbed behind right shoulder, also lying on the grass, piglet 4 had a .380 bullet would on its side, it was laying on the grass, piglet 5 was clothed on the grass, piglet 6 was naked piglet on the black top, piglet 7 was clothed on the black top, piglet 8 was suspended in the air with clothes on, and piglet 9 was suspended in the air naked. At the beginning of the experiment we hypothesized on theories we now know the answer too. …show more content…

My original theory was that the piglet that is in its natural state would decompose at a faster rate than the piglet that had been burnt, because burning the piglet is almost like cooking it so the insides are not as raw and susceptible to the elements. My theory was correct piglet 1 did decompose at a faster rate than piglet 2, and when the class as a whole revealed the piglet 0 that was in the box during the whole experiment was barley decomposed at

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