Pink Dollars Essay

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Pink dollars refers to the gay and lesbian market, and this market is a huge market in which sport businesses tends to reach out to. At least 94% of the gay and lesbian market will go out and buy a sport product that was marketed out to them. They feel like they are like everyone else, so when they feel that special connection with certain markets and products they will go out of their way to purchase it. Gay and Lesbians have a great source of income because there is a lack of children. They usually do not have any kids, which allows gays and lesbians to have more disposable income than others. 30% of gay and lesbian household’s income surpasses 100,000 per year. Businesses reach out to all kinds of people that fit into all kinds of demographics and psychographics, gay and lesbians being one of them. Those in the gay and lesbian market also have obtained a college education and usually tend to hold management positions. This usually leads to having a higher annual income. Businesses will also reach out to the gay and lesbian mangers because through these managers; they will be able to attract their employees to come out to their events. Companies such as Absolut Vodka reaches out them. In a way, the NFL has been impacted through gay players …show more content…

There are many individual and environmental influences that impact consumers when they decide to consume a sport product. They are three main parts of the model which is socialization, involvement, and commitment. Consumer behavior can be influenced by the environment through certain norms, class structures, and race and gender relations. This can all affect an individual when participating in sport. Socialization is how individuals interact and socialize with people in a society and is developed when participating in sport. They are able to learn new ideas, skills, attitudes, and knowledge to perform certain social