Pip's Loyalty To Economic Class

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The book, Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens, is a story about a young boy’s progression from child to adulthood. The protagonist of the story, Pip, has to balance the expectations of others with his own expectations. Pip lives with his sister, Miss Joe, and his brother-in-law, Joe; following the death of their parents. Joe who loves Pip more than himself, married Pip’s sister so he could protect Pip from both her verbal and physical abuse. As a young boy, Pip reveres Joe, but as Pip matures he becomes tainted by the social injustices of the times. Pip becomes driven by his ambition to raise his social standing so he can surround himself with the elite such as Miss Havisham and Jaggers. When an anonymous benefactor gives Pip the chance to become a gentleman Pip leaves his family behind and moves to London. Through the character Pip, Dickens addresses …show more content…

In the book, Great Expectations, shows us a prime example of the justice system, steotypes types relating to economic class, and loyalty to family and the people that mean the most to you. Dickens does this through the main character Pip and how he is on his way to be a gentleman. Along the way Pip meets new people that help him be a gentleman and give him tips like, Mr. Jaggers, Miss Havisham, etc. Pip realizes how cruel the justice system is with Magwitch and how a common man can be sentence longer than an upper class man. Pip is handed a large amount of money every month yet he is too young to handle it. Pip doesn’t work often so he has this money for nothing, young and foolish he spends it all. Finally , Pip wants to be in the upper class and when he tries to flirt with his dream girl Estella she shoots him down right away because he is in the middle class. Pip finds his best friend Joe to blame, saying that if he was in the upper class so would I. This book, demonstrates the justice system as cruel, Stereotypes relating to economic class and loyalty to the people that mean the most