Living Conditions In Hawaii In The 1800's

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Plantation life in hawaii during the 1800’s was terrible, people were not paid much fo their backbreaking labor, put into small, unsanitary homes, and were racially discriminated. Plantation life in Hawaii in the 1800’s was very hard for the immigrant workers. Living conditions were very squalid, unsanitary, and too small for the amount of people residing inside, Working conditions were backbreaking and people were given a very small salary, and the Race discrimination was terrible, the whites and Portuguese had the best jobs and the Asians had the worst. Firstly, living conditions were terrible. This can be backed up because in the first and second article it states that there would be two or more couples living in a ten foot by ten foot …show more content…

Conditions were crowded. Often, two couples would share a 10-foot-square room that had a kitchen and a homemade stove(1) In addition sometimes plantation owners would put, up to forty men in one tiny house, or there would be homes with very flimsy roof and as so the people living inside would not be very safe from natural hazards or crazy drunk people who don't know what there doing and so they try to kill people, these people didn't have locks on their doors so they were pretty unsafe from bad things. (2) In the article it states : Housing conditions, jobs and wages differed according to race. The management and skilled jobs were held by whites. The lunas and camp policemen were mostly Portuguese and Hawaiian. The worst jobs were given to the Asians.(1) Job wages were very low people were paid 99 cents per hour and in all 18 dollars per year, and based on your …show more content…

This can be backed up because in the first and second article it states that people were made to get up at the crack of dawn to start working in the fields and they would stop working in the middle of the night, people were given a very small salary too little to live off by, and people did not have much to eat after the hard day of work. In the article it states : The work was tedious beyond measure, and painful. Weed-clearing crews worked all day bent over. Workers who stripped the cane of its sharp-edged leaves went home each afternoon with cut and blistered hands. They also had to deal with wasps that infested the fields.(1) The work was very hard because those who got the jobs of retrieving the cane that was grown and hauling it to the trucks for gathering, they had to watch out for wasps because the fields were infested by wasps, and those who had to carry the stalks back to the trucks gathering them had to watch out for the sharp edged leaves of the sugarcane so the people gathering the cane could get cut easily if they weren't careful or they could get a wasp sting if they did not watch out where they were going.(2) In the article it states : When it was time to cut the ripened cane, they labored amid clouds of dust that made breathing difficult. Twice a month, workers were paid. They had to bring their small brass or aluminum identification card, which was called a bango and bore their stamped