Plaque's Plague Analysis

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The part three of Plaque explains about the prisoners also has plaque. Also, the heat of the summer also makes it worse for everyone in the town, Oran. Furthermore, the town still closed; Albert Camus explains “the streets were almost empty, and silent but for the long-drawn stridence of the wind” (168). The town has been quiet and empty since no one wants to leave their homes due to the plaque. Also, the residents could carry “broadcasting infections” as one hotel manager describes it (168). Also, the town faced many fires near one of the town’s gates, and the residents could start the flames. Camus explains, “People who had returned from quarantine were responsible for these fires” (168). They were burning the houses down and make more mess since they cannot leave their town due to the plaque. The town residents also started “a wave of …show more content…

Castel wanted Rieux to use an “anti-plaque serum” (191). Camus mentioned when a woman was mad at him and said, ‘Doctor, you’ll save him, won’t you’ however she thinks that he does not have a heart to save her son (192). Dr. Rieux wanted to try something different on the child; however, he used pills or an injection into child’s arm. However, with Dr. Tarrou also has issues such as he has journal entries of his general impression, for example, one was about Cottard which it said “He is blossoming out. Expanding in genial and good humor” (195). Rieux had a talk with Tarrou and Rambert since Rambert is getting sick with plaque symptoms and he wanted to speak with two of them. Tarrou put him in quarantine while Rieux worked together. However, Rieux dropped instruments on the floor when his attendant gave it to him. However, both of them wanted to bring him home, but there was a car problem which was the car ran out of the gas

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