Plato's Allegory Of The Cave '

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Imagine a small cave with a little tunnel of light leading out and hundreds (or thousands) of humans tied up so they can’t move. They’re tied up to some rocks, their arms and legs are bound and their head is tied so they cannot look at anything but the stonewall in a front of them. Behind them is a fire and between them is a raised walkway where people outside the cave walk along this walkway carrying various items on their heads; such as; animals, plants and wood. They begin to see shadows and in the midst of them seeing shadows they decide to create a game, who can guess what shadow comes next. If one gets it right they would praise him for being so clever. However one escape from the cave and everything that he has seen inside the cave and thought to be true is simply a lie. …show more content…

That is just the beginning of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”. His allegory envisions the world as a dark cave, the human beings as prisoners who are trapped and every life experience as nothing but shadows on a wall. Plato’s theory, with the cave, represents people who believe that knowledge comes from what we see and or hear in the world. The shadows represent those who believe that what they see should be taken as the truth, but if you believe that then you are merely seeing a shadow of the