Pleasuring Prophecy In Macbeth

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This situation is similar to the scene in Macbeth; however, Macbeth receives a pleasuring prophecy, whereas I was warned of danger. In Act 1 Scene 3, Macbeth and his shoulder-companion, Banquo receive three predictions from three evil witches. The enchantresses first prophesize that Macbeth will be named “Thane of Glamis”(1.3.48), which is peculiar because he is already the Thane of Glamis. The witches are aware of this, but they open with it anyway to make Macbeth believe in their ability to accurately predict the future. They then tell him that he will be “Thane of Cawdor” and that he “shalt be king hereafter”(1.3.50). Beowulf is mesmerized by this forecast and demands to know their sources, but they disappear before he can get an answer.

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