Plot Summary Of Donte Drumm

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To elucidate the opening of the novel, they commenced the discussion of the setting and the characters. Considering one of the areas being the flak law firm, where they introduce Robbie Flaks a lawyer, the lawyer of a boy named Donte Drumm. Specifically, Flaks aka Flask remained a depressed individual who possessed the title from his drinking problems. Furthermore, the man didn’t have much running his direction, he’d been going through a second divorce, he’d been in prison, and conditions were not all favorable for him. To put it in another way, he appeared unique from the opposing advocates, and it is simple to state that he is genuine compared to them. This remains said, concerning the lawyer, since he never did it for the money, preferably, he stood for those who were miss treated and couldn’t afford a competent lawyer. …show more content…

Namely, Donte Drumm happened to be a black fellow, and the star football player at his high school, which implied that he had been ready to become a member of the North Texas State college football team. In addition, the boy had been cheered by thousands, including the group of cheerleaders. However, there remained merely a single cheerleader that earned a role within the novel and this individual had happened to be the head cheerleader, identified as Nicole Yarber, a character who lived not fond of academics and who sustained amongst the popular teenagers. Not only this, but she remained the boyfriend of a boy named Joey Gamble, one of the captains of the football team. Notably, the story truly began on the night where Nicole stayed out with her friends, including Joey at the mall, viewing a movie. On the other hand, the story included Donte, who had been sitting down in the basement eating pizza and watching cartoons with his little sister whom he was