Pneumatomachians: False Teaching Of The Catholic Church

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Trinitarian Theology
Fr. Adam Hamness
Tanner Brundin
Monday, April 6, 2015

Pneumatomachians Pneumatomachians is a false teaching of the Catholic church by the creator of the name Macedonius, Bishop of Constantinople. It was in the 4th century AD when the denied the Consubstantiality of the Holy Spirit with the Father in the Divine Trinity. The word Pneumatomachians means “Combaters’ against the Spirit” One who denies the divinity or personality of the Holy Spirit or a member under the leadership of Macedonius, the leader of Pneumatomachians, who thought the Holy Spirit was a creature or created being. He did not believe the Spirit was equal with the Father. So Macedonius and his followers were kind of against the Holy Spirit (Pneumatomachians: machomai = to speak evil against, pneuma = spirit) – or, Pneumatomachi. …show more content…

They denied the divinity of the Holy Ghost, which is where the name Pneumatomachi or “Combaters’ against the Spirit’’ comes in. Pneumatomachians were known to be because how Arians did not believe the Son of God was fully God so that he shared the being of the Father. That’s why Pneumatomachians did not believe the Holy Spirit was fully divine. The creator of Pneumatomachians as I already mentioned is Macedonius. His name comes up a lot when you talk about all heresies or for me at least, so my guess is he has a