
Poem Analysis Of 'Storm' By Chuck Bell

562 Words3 Pages

Tyler Lingmann

Mrs. Weimers

English 8 Period 5

20 December 2022

Poem Analysis: “Storm

What do you do when the ref makes a bad call? Well, this analysis shows what Chuck bell did. Josh Bell and Jordan Bell, Chuck’s kids, both play basketball for their junior high. Josh is really tall and can dunk. Their dad was a famous basketball player named Chuck “da man” Bell and he always encourages Josh and Jordan Bell to practice basketball and get way better. Chuck also really likes eating out and getting doughnuts. His dad died from heart problems so Chuck’s wife doesn’t like him eating out all the time and wants him to be healthy. I’m going to show you how these poetic devices, simile, and dialog, Add to the theme, storming off when you are mad isn’t always the best decision and it causes a lot more …show more content…

A simile is using like and as to compare something. Also, Chuck Bell has hypertension which can cause nosebleeds and high blood pressure. Here Kwame alexander states “down the stairs, swift and sharp and mad as lighting” (151). This is a simile because it compares something using like or as. This adds to the theme by comparing his dad to lightning. Comparing him to lightning shows that he’s fired up and mad since lighting fires up and strikes the ground just like how his dad got mad and rushed out and then blood stroked down his nose. The bloody nose was caused by hypertension. And later on, this hypertension gets worse and leads to heart problems. So this shows that storming off isn’t the best solution to solve things. Storming off can also lead to the other person you are arguing with or fighting with getting their feelings hurt because you are not listening to what they have to say. I think that their mom might be feeling sad cause she sees that chuck is getting angry. She also might feel sad cause chuck could die cause of hypertension since hypertension can cause heart

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