Point Of View Of Rain In Fahrenheit 451

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When Guy Montag tipped his head to taste the rain, the significance of it is that just like how his emotions towards rains changes, his emotions towards society change in a similar way throughout the story.

Evidence of this is seen on the front of Fahrenheit analysis #2. On this paper Guy Montag's point of view of the rain has shifted on each page. One way his point of view of the rain has shifted is how on page 15 and 17 we see that the rain is overwhelming and depressing to him but on page 19 and 21 the rain provides him with happiness and curiosity. All of this goes to show how over time, as Montag interacts with rain, his views, and opinions on it gradually changed from sad emotions to curious ones. Similarly, to how his emotions towards society changed as well. We can see that …..................... In what ways does his emotions towards society changes? Connect that to the rain here …show more content…

For example, in life whenever something bad happens, humans typically associate the gloominess and grayness of rain with the situation. Rain in this case represents the tears that we want to shed. In some situations that happen to Montage, Rain also creates this sad atmosphere for him. For example, when Guy Montag’s wife almost dies the rain falls representing his “tears.” Another occasion would be when he tastes the rain and is curious to know more about what he just tried. The connection between the rain and Montage’s emotion is like when people try new food to take more bites to feel the curiosity of the new