Police Brutality And Injustice Essay

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Police brutality and legal system injustice is an issue that has affected many communities throughout the years. However, the African American communities has experienced these issues for numerous years starting from the times of slavery and segregation, during the civil rights movement, and to the present. The African American Communities has formed protests to challenge and understand the way police officers have been trained to deal with certain situations, and to show the world how dishonest and unfair the legal systems are when it comes to punishing the police officers involved in the deaths of unarmed African Americans. Many people have their differences when asked to describe their definition of police brutality; However, the law dictionary explains police brutality as "the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians"(Danilina). On May …show more content…

Police officers have different skills that they learn in the academy, but racial profiling isn't one. So the question is how do you know if you are dealing with a racist cop or not. The Chicago and Los Angeles police departments, among others, have incorporated the concepts of anti-bias education in their training known as an Implicit Assessment Test, which has become the standard in anti-bias training. It is a very simple concept: The version that tests black/white biases flips through pictures of human faces of both races and asks the subject to assign either a negative or positive word, such as “love” or “terrible,” to the picture. But the test moves so quickly that the subject’s subconscious takes over (The times). With this type of training you wonder why some cops choose to not go by what they are trained in certain situations and are they deciding on how to handle a situation with their personal

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