Police Brutality Essay

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Police brutality is defined as an unrestricted and unnecessary amount of harm inflicted by the police on civilians. It is corruption within law enforcement. When they feel threatened, cops tend to use excessive force. It happens too often in Canada and the United States for many different reasons, but the worst is racial profiling. It is not the responsibility of a police officer to frighten someone without justification. The reputation of the police is further damaged when they cause unjustifiable physical and emotional harm. There are many effects of police brutality, so to appreciate the impact of police brutality on society, teens must understand the abuse of power, its effect on communities, and its link to racism.

There are many things police have done with their abilities that clash with their role in society. Police have the responsibility to keep their community safe, but sometimes they use their powers to cause unnecessary harm." Police brutality in the United States is the unwarranted or …show more content…

After a person experiences police violence, the public's perception of the police changes. For example, it can make people feel that they’re safer without police officers than with them or feel threatened by police. When the murder of George Floyd happened in 2020, communities and societies were reminded about discriminatory violence. His murder led to a loss of faith in law enforcement and the defunding of the police movement, demonstrating how communities do not think police are as great as they are made out to be. "This horrific killing sparked widespread protests across the USA and beyond, calling for the officers involved to be held accountable and systemic change in policing more broadly." (Peeples) Additionally, it shows that citizens are acting to hold the police accountable. Police brutality is therefore not tolerated due to the significant harm it does to