Police Code Of Ethics Essay

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When cops are off duty they still have to follow a “code of ethics”. You never know who is a police officer when they are out of uniform. Some people officers feel like they are always on the job. They always feel the need to “protect” people in some kind of way.
A police department’s “code of ethics” usually is separate from the official set of rules and regulations studied in the academy. Oftentimes, the code is still within the department rules, but law enforcement has come across a shift over the years in which agencies are starting a separate code of ethics upon their officers. A code of ethics is generally a bigger statement of expected agency goals and officer conduct. However, running against your department’s ethical code can have as much potential impact upon an officer’s career as a violation of a department rules.
There is a right way to follow the police code. I have a good example of how it should go. When advising police clients, especially those involved with complaints of off-duty behavior, I inquire into whether the agency has a code of ethics in place. Naturally, if there is one in place I want …show more content…

While off-duty, officers may encounter situations, which cry for some type of law enforcement response. Some have said that there is practically no difference between on duty and off duty incidents, that law enforcement officers are officers 24-7 and that they may take action as off-duty officers as though they are on-duty.
Off-duty incidents don 't only have the potential for similar legal issues as on-duty situations; they also have additional pitfalls not necessarily involved in on-duty encounters. Since off-duty battles involves many of these truthful issues and questions, this research paper is limited to a brief overview of a few potential risks and a summary of possible issues, which may confront officers and departments when dealing with off-duty