Policies Of Gender Equality

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“….Gender Equality refers to the equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same but that women’s and men’s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men. Gender equality is not a women’s issue but should concern and fully engage men as well as women. Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sustainable people-centred development….” “….Gender Sensitive Policies that take into account the particularities pertaining to the lives of both women and men, while aiming at eliminating inequalities and promoting an equal distribution of resources, addressing and taking into account the gender dimension. The nation suffers from the existence of chauvinistic institutions like khap panchayats, which, unfortunately, are politically so powerful that they overrule, with impunity, the constitutionally mandated administration of equality in favour of women, by using extra constitutional, oppressive methods of punishment….”
Inspite of having constitutional framework and protective legislations, the mindset of the society to treat women equally with a men is a distant dream.