Political Continuities Over Time Period 200 CE To 1000 CE In East Asia

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Throughout history there have been both political changes and political continuities over time. In the Eastern Asian region, both political aspects are apparent in their history. During the time period 200 CE to 1000 CE in East Asia, there have been multitudinous political changes regarding leadership within this region. Although numerous changes have been established, East Asia had also maintained political continuities within the subjects of philosophy and threatening adversary. Rulers and dynasties during the time period from 200 CE to 1000 CE often changed. Multiple different dynasties controlled the Chinese Empire in this time. The first dynasty, the Han Dynasty, had begun earlier starting in 206 BCE and during the CE time period falling in the year 220 CE. This dynasty was ruled primarily by Emperor Wu Ti, followed by his many successors including Emperor Xian of Han who was the last Emperor of the Han Dynasty. After the fall of the Han Dynasty came a …show more content…

In each region of East Asia, Japan, Korea, and China, there were continuous possibilities of enemy attacks. Such as the nomadic tribes from north of China who often produced fear and peril for the people. Often these northern nomads attacked the Chinese empire, yet they did not overthrow the Chinese. The Chinese people also had to protect themselves from other adversaries, including their own people. The desire for power caused select people of China to fight each other. For example, with the fall of the Han dynasty came the period of disunity and discord. During this time the people fought each other and the empire was beginning to crumble. These dangers often threatened the political system of China through the possibility of leadership change. Although there was not constant war in East Asia, there was continuous threats from surrounding areas or even from inside one's