Political Ideology Worksheet

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THE BIG 10: 2015 Political Ideology Worksheet
Your Ideological Belief The Reasons You Believe The Way You Do
1. 1. I agree with the stipulations that follow with Capital Punishment, for first-degree murderers and serial killers. STATS
- A total of 31 states have the death penalty and only 19 that don’t
- Each execution deters an average of 18 murders, according to a 2003 nationwide study by professors at Emory University

- The death penalty does not violate the eighth or fourteenth amendments
- The 5th amendment states that a person can never be deprived of life by the state, without due process of law. By including this phrase it is possible that citizens might be denied their life, liberty, or property if certain procedural …show more content…

W. Bush said “Law enforcement officials cannot place themselves above the law that they are sworn to defend.”

- The police are, and always haves been, the protectors of our freedoms- we need non corrupt officers to be able to do that
- It is such a big issue, that October 22 has been named the National Anti Police Brutality Day
- Some policy officers take advantage of the power/authority they have
- In many cases citizens have not taken legal action against the corrupted police which is necessary for an overall end to the brutality to be achieved
- The law states that we are innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent
- Cops receive an unfair favorable treatment when it comes to not getting indicted
- Police generally believe and act as if they are above the law

- Counter argument 1: but the police are our authority and they are just trying to protect us? They are using excessive force when it is unnecessary and this is more harmful than …show more content…

(Cathy Lanier) and New York City suggested that citizens should take action to defend themselves if faced with a similar attack

- Taking away guns does not actually drop the crime/murder rate
- Most people who misuse handguns and do harmful acts with them are buying them illegally and do not have a concealed handgun license
- Owning a handgun can protect the citizen when the police are unable to always be relied on
- The right to own guns should not be taken away from everyone, including those who don’t misuse them, but rather only from those that do
- Guns aren’t the issue it’s the people who use them wrongfully
- Stopping the black market for guns will do more justice than taking them all away
- Criminals will still use some form of weapon even if its not a gun so why not allow guns for people with concealed handgun licenses to protect themselves and others

- Counter argument 1: More guns allow for more suicides? Yes people may choose to use a gun if they have access to one, for example in their house, but if someone is seriously going to commit suicide they will find another form or way to do it… guns don’t promote it or make it more