Political Opinions: Mitt Romney Vs. Obama

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I was not raised in a political family, I’ve actually strayed from anything political. All of my political opinions probably come from my dad, who I look up most too. When I was younger I remember my mom arguing if they didn’t agree on a president or props to vote for, while my dad just thought everyone was allowed their own opinion. I personally think people are very radical and lose all sense of logic when it comes to politics, and react in ways that scare people from opening up with their true opinions. I don’t actively seek protests to join, nor do I verbalize to others what I want to vote on. From seeing how others around me act, I think people are very cynical about politics. I have yet to meet someone who is able to sit with an open mind and know that everyone has a different opinion, and that’s OK. Everyday on Facebook is a new topic of what is right or wrong with someone’s view and if you disagree, people blantely wish death upon you. Overall I’d say I’m realistic but also disconnected from political experiences. Political opinions form from more than 1 experience, as do mine, but my dad informed me as much as he could to help me grow and understand our political society. From a very young age my dad always included me in his …show more content…

Obama election is where one of my first “real” political experience took place. I wasn't old enough to vote, but I was old enough to read about what was going and, and form an opinion about it. My friends were also becoming politically aware, and they were aware they didn't like Romney, also discovering the radical side of politics. My friends would yell at anyone who said they didn't like Obama and preferred Romney, and went as far as smearing dog feces on a Romney bumper sticker. This was insane to me on how people go as far as vandalizing others property to get their personal belief out. I still see these reactions toward issues, to this day, and it says a lot about our society as a