Political Party Vs Interest Group Analysis

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A political party has more influence on American political processes. In Chapter 6 of the W. W. Norton book, it explains what the goals or a political party and an interest group are while giving examples of what each of them is trying to accomplish. I will use this book to help example my arguments in the paper.
Firstly, I would like to explain what an interest group and a political party actually is, and what are some differences between the two. In Koshal’s paper it is noted the pro’s, con’s, and differences. (45) The main difference between an interest group and a political party is how an interest group does not try to get votes from the public or get involved in any elections, while a political party tries to get people to vote in their favor so their party can win the election. An interest group is formed into people that try to get policymakers to make policies that will help the public. The interest groups do not have any …show more content…

Due to the fact that we do have two political parties and they are usually the ones that win elections. In Chapter 6 of W. W. Norton’s book, it says that the political parties have become more influenced on the government in the last 40 years. (59) The political party uses their ideas and goals to get people to agree with what they think. A political party influences the country in numerous ways. One of the ways they have influenced would be how if our President says that something is wrong and proves why then a lot of the people will follow and say the same thing. This is just like when you are growing up and your parents say drinking and driving is wrong, then you will more than likely think it is wrong also. If your parents say it is okay as long as you did not drink a lot then, you will drink and drive. Most people are followers and will follow no matter what because, they do not want anyone to get mad at them for thinking