Political Theory And Modern Practices Of Disaster Recovery

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To understand the political theory that may contribute to the application and lessons learned in disaster recovery within emergency management is to comprehend the contributions of academic theory and practical application of public management. This paper will provide a overview of public management related theory to the history, ideas and modern practices of disaster recovery. The foundation of research is a rational extension of the required reading Grant, et al. (2017), although the reading does not address disaster recovery or emergency management directly, but is the basis and immediately relevant to the “Blueprint” of creating research.

Normative Theories
Conventional normative theories can be broken down into three …show more content…

Constitution. Public Managers that subscribe to the Hamiltonian approach are more a Type “A” personality which imagine/expect political elected figures must judge individuals on whether or not their efforts produced results. In their minds, accountability is judged “after-the-fact”, Furthermore, their performance and concerns are evaluation in the public eye and under public law. Hamiltonians believe they should be skilled decision-makers, scholars of organization, and have to acquire executive managerial talent in developing plans and executing their duties. Public Managers subscribing to Hamiltonian know the material, tools and the policies and procedures of the work they are responsible for completing. A Hamiltonian is in many ways a modern computer programmer with specialty knowledge and expertise most people do not understand and live in a system of rules that are neutral to accomplish the task. In modern times, as governmental professionalized is demanded in the U.S. civil service system employees must be well …show more content…

The two theories point to two different ways to approach public management work. Though the two theories may be compatible in some circumstances, the two theories ordinarily stand in basic counterpoise to one another. Emergency managers need to grasp the difference between each theory and they need to understand that they may often have to choose between behaving as a Jeffersonian and behaving as a Hamiltonian. If they understand these theories, they will be empowered to make more informed decisions in the course of their

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