Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)

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Emergency Management Assistance Compact The lay-person’s definition of EMAC is a legal and binding agreement between States to provide equipment, manpower and other resources, as requested. The compact is the framework to provide the ability for medical, National Guard, law enforcement, animal resources, public health, fire and hazmat to perform their duties in a different state. The compact outlines the payment of costs associated with the assistance and affords tort liability protection, injury protection and other legal nuances as required. The ability for a gaining state to recognize licenses, certificates and permits of specialized professionals is also outlined in the agreement. “It functions most effectively when 1) local and …show more content…

I see it in much simpler terms. EMAC is that American spirit that says one neighbor helps another in times of trouble.” (US Fed News Service, 2005) The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) “is the first national disaster–relief compact since the Civil Defense and Disaster Compact of 1950 to be ratified by Congress. Since ratification and signing into law in 1996 (Public Law 104-321), 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have enacted legislation to become EMAC members.” (National Emergency Management Association, 2013). EMAC was the primary vehicle utilized to provide mutual aid of state emergency management personnel and the National Guard between the years of 1996-2004. The hurricane season of 2004 provided the first major test of EMAC in Florida. Florida requested personnel and supplies from a broad range of civil response disciplines to include; police, fire, hazmat, engineers and National Guard. The support supplied to Florida consisted of more than 800 personnel with a price tag of $15 million. (National Emergency Management Association, …show more content…

The National Guard has an additional restriction upon its use. The restriction is a non-compete law. This law requires that a state’s ability to obtain specific resources is exceeded or the resource does not exist. Military assets, to include the National Guard, cannot be utilized when a state has the option to hire a civilian agency. By the end of September during Hurricane Katrina, “it 's estimated that EMAC has coordinated 12.843 troops and more than 8.900 civilians. Personnel and equipment come into the devastated area from all over the country, as well as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands” (Bell, 2006, p. 26). 2005 brought the largest national response to natural disasters. Hurricane’s Katrina and Rita affected numerous states. The states affected were unable to help themselves, as would be responders were now victims. In addition to the lack of responders, the local infrastructure was decimated and local and state officials were unable to respond. The National Emergency Management Association recorded the following responses:
• Approximately 66,000 total personnel