E910 Unit 7

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Emergency strikes anytime and comes without prior information but you have to be prepared irrespective of the fact how you are able to contact the emergency services. When you call the emergency services through normal means you just have to dial 911 and you are connected to them. But if you are on VOIP or wireless, you have to go through the special route known as the enhanced 911 or the E911.
When you call the enhanced 911 service, the system automatically associates the physical address with your telephone number. This is done by the form of the reverse telephone directory supplied by the various telephone operating services in the form of computerized file. Once the data is fed into the computer, the software is able to make the association between …show more content…

Once the location is pinpointed, the latitude and the longitude of the place is sent to the location information database.
The local exchange carrier then receives your voice signal as well as the 10 digit ID routing number. This routing number alerts the carrier about the emergency call. Following this, it automatically decides the emergency call centre that would be most appropriate and assigns it the call.
At the appropriately assigned emergency call center, the operator will receive your E911voice call and the computer will receive your unique 10 digit routing number. The computer database will use this 10 digit routing number to search for the location information and retrieves your wireless number, the address of the receiving tower as well as your exact longitude and latitude co-ordinate location. At the same time the computer’s mapping software will use the above location data and prepare a map of directions to your location.
Once all this process is finished, the emergency response team is dispatched to respond to your E911 distress

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