Political Writing In George G Orwell In 1984 By George Orwell

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2 Background information of the novel
Firstly when Orwell was younger his great motives for writing were to write something that will remain after his death, he had the desire to share experiences with readers. Later on, he was more focused in political writings because he wanted to leave more behind. He wanted to change the world, to show facts, to alter the readers’ perspective of assessing things. Everything he had written since 1936 is against totalitarianism, he was pro a democratic socialism.
He tried to change political events into art. He explains in his essay ‘Why I write’ published in 1947 how his political interests grow deeper. He wanted to be unforgettable, inspiring and giving a new right direction to people. ‘What I have most wanted to do throughout the ten past years is to make political writing into an art.’ (Why I write-G.O)
Indeed he achieves this goal with his ultimatum masterpiece ‘1984’; He turned totalitarianism into art, he took a dark side of human and created something beautiful. I think he is a revolutionary writer because he tries to change the world for a better place by. His motives deserve to be followed.

He had written earlier:
Capitalism is disappearing, but Socialism is not replacing it. What is now arising is a new kind of planned, centralised society which will be neither capitalist nor, in any accepted sense of the word, democratic. The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production:

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