Pontiacs War: A Document Analysis

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When the Pontiacs war came to an end, the British found that they had to do much more in order to fulfill the needs of the French Canadians. As had been mentioned earlier, there are those Canadians who had close relations with the French at the time that the latter had seceded and left the land in the jurisdiction of the British. In order to satisfy this population, the British came up with the Quebec act of 1774. This document contained among other things, the parts of the French civil law that would remain place. Additionally, the document allowed for the extension of Quebec’s boundaries, which would now extend to the south of the Ohio River. It goes without saying that the new Quebec act did not go down well with all the concerned parties. Some of them were not pleased by the introduction of the cat because had already laid claim to some of the land. Some of this land, under the new act, would fall under the jurisdiction of the native Indians, which meant that foreigners would not be allowed to occupy it. The act also included the provision that Massachusetts would now be under the control of the Crown. This move additionally angered the Calvinist New Englanders. Significance of the Proclamation in England The …show more content…

For example, although Americans were the recipients of the tea that was being brought in by the company, they were not benefiting in any way, while Britain were the ones that collected the most amount of revenue from it (Chaudhuri, 206). Therefore, power struggles began during an event that came to be known as the American Tea Party. This was during one of the transportation times when several Americans dressed up as Native Americans. They boarded the ships that were ferrying the tea and threw most of the tea overboard. Shortly after this incident, the quest for liberation from the British by America took

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