Popol Vuh Summary

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The Popol Vuh is the ancient story of the creation of the Quiche Maya, who were located in modern day Guatemala. It is estimated that the Popol Vuh was written between 1554-1558 CE. The “ Popol Vuh Sacred Book of the Quiché Maya People” was translated by Allen J. Christenson and his translation gave a much clearer interpretation of the story that helps identify how both myth and reality connect. The first and only preserved copy was transcribed in Spanish by a friar named Francisco Ximenez who was serving as the Parish Priest at the time. The Original piece was written in the same form as a poem and was made into books onces it was translated by the priest. The poetry seemed to be a traditional way of telling stories in this civilization. The …show more content…

It was a process of trial and error mud and then wood nothing worked until they used maize to create the perfect humans. They were handsome and smart everything the Gods wanted them to be. They were so smart it troubled the Gods so they structured the way they should live. They gave them wives and children, they planted crops, and praised the Gods and the land that they gave them. This seemed to be the best way to live life in this world and for the Quiche Maya. This Is what they continued to do even other civilizations lived by these guild lines of family, food, and …show more content…

In this world the hero twins defeat several beings and send them to the underworld. This is where several deities plan the the defeat of the hero twins using ball. This sport was actually played by the Mayan people and is thought to be a sacred sport. This is another connection of myth and reality in this story. It is also believed that The Maya did not have a Heaven and Hell. but different realms that were broken up into the Upper, middle, and underworld. The upper world has thirteen levels, while the middle world has one, and the underworld has nine. This is another thing you could assume was a part of the beliefs of the popke in Popol Vuh

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