Popular Culture In 1938 So Orsen Wells

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Within a certain population, culture has allowed people to come to fall into a certain mundane routine of comfortability. It is though the instances of small reactions, however, that challenges society to push forwards. These small reactions often go against the status quo of the expected normality. Instances of change can spawn from ordinary forms of technologies. In the subgroup of sound technology, each new word, note, and sound has the opportunity to influence those who hear them. As the era that that the composition was created will ultimately influence its outcome, these reactions of contemporary means were often unexpected and garnered outlash from the public. With each different era of culture playing its unique role, mediums such as the radio, concerts halls, and even television have had their expected outcome shattered by an entirely unexpected reaction that raised the questions of society itself. In …show more content…

With our electronic oriented society, society, while seemingly stoic, is constantly changing inch by inch. Social norms of the past, such as the color pink being better suited for younger men, which seemed to be concrete at the time, have eroded over time into entirely new ideologies. Popular culture will undoubtable play an important role in the creation of new mediums, but it will also undoubtedly be different in the near future. Society has been shown to have been challenged to a form of deep introspection from the introduction of The War of the World’s and 4’33, asking such questions as “Should society be utterly dependent on the radio” and “Can silence be truly a form of music?”. Even today’s society is being challenged by asking “What defines masculinity?” As culture influences technology and technology influences culture, unexpected outcomes are bound to occur and each reminds us that the world will continue to progress due to this duality of